Real Estate Investing

Buying and owning real estate is an investment strategy that can be both satisfying and lucrative. Unlike other types of investments, prospective real estate owners can use leverage to buy real estate by paying a portion of the total cost upfront, then paying off the balance (plus interest) over time. And the ability to control the asset the moment the sale papers are signed emboldens both real estate flippers and landlords, who can take out second mortgages on their homes in order to make down payments on additional properties (with often as little as a 5% downpayment).

One of the primary ways in which investors can make money in real estate is to become the landlord of a rental property. People who are flippers, buying up undervalued real estate, fixing it up, and selling it, can also earn income.

Real estate investment groups are a more hands-off way to make money in real estate. Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are basically dividend-paying stocks.

Here you will find authoritative articles and whitepapers about real estate investing and different investing strategies – what currently works the best, the trend, etc.