Real Estate Law
Real estate law (also called’ real property law’) governs the purchase and sale of land and the structures (known as ‘improvements’) on land. It also regulates what people can do with the property that they own.

There are many different aspects of real estate law like deeds, titles, financing, zoning, taxes, evictions, liens, fixtures, easements, water rights, and estate planning—just to name a few. And the laws vary from state to state and country to country.

There are various kinds of deeds, different forms of ownership and tenancies and all of them result in tax and estate considerations. With so many options, the wording of any deed or contract is very important. Even a single word can make a big difference when it comes to real estate law. Writing, reading and critical thinking skills are critical for real estate lawyers.

Along with ownership issues in real estate, real estate attorneys must also work with mortgages, foreclosures, and restrictions that control what property owners may do (and what they may not do) with their property—zoning, homeowners’ associations, building and life safety codes, vacation rentals—as well as what may already have occurred to or on the property (e.g., construction defect claims, property and liability insurance, encroachments, and eminent domain).

Here you will find a wealth of diverse information from experts in the real estate law field.

Water Rights

Quick Summary Audio “Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop...

Seizing Assets

Quick Summary Audio We’ve all been there: waiting for...